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Costa Rica Adventure Program 2024


Costa Rica Adventure Program 2024

Weeks 1 and 2 - Learn Spanish & Surf or Yoga and Volunteer in Santa Teresa

Monday - Friday
07:30-08:30 - Breakfast
09:00-11:00 - Spanish Lesson (assessment exam on first Monday)
12:00-13:00 - Lunch
14:00-16:00 - Surf or Yoga Lessons and volunteering
Apart from Wednesdays, when the surf or yoga lesson session from 14:00-16:00 is replaced by a Hike. In the evenings we offer really affordable dinner options (around 10$) and multiple times a week we have something going on (Dance Class, Cooking class, Game nights, Karaoke and more....

Saturdays and Sundays
Brunch. In the afternoons between 12:00 and 16:00 you can either sign up for extra surf/yoga lessons** or join an optional tour (own cost). Additional trips during the weekend are available from USD 40-100, depending on the tour. You can book them once you arrive, or you can just enjoy a free weekend.

**Depending on your surf level, there will also be trips to other Surf Breaks arranged. The location prices vary between USD 60-100.

Departure to Turtle Placement

Week 3 - Turtle Conservation Week Cirenas

During this week, you will spend 4-7 days here at Cirenas for Turtle Conservation, Permaculture, Reforestation & works in Protection of the Ecosystem.. The other days, you have free time back at the camp.

While at Cirenas, you’ll be protecting the eggs and hatchlings of Olive Ridley, Black Turtle, Hawksbill and Leatherback species, who visit local ‘semi intensive’ nesting beaches at night to nest.

The principle objective of the project is to protect adult female turtles that frequent beaches along this coastline, and their nests, from human predators and wildlife, natural events such as beach erosion and flooding due to high amounts of rainfall in nesting season.

Brunch. You can either sign up for extra surf/yoga lessons or join a Quad Tour (at own cost).

Week 4 - Monteverde Adventure - Zipline

4 Day Road Trip: Monte Verde National Park
In week 4 we go on a 4-day/3-night overland adventure to explore Monte Verde National Park from Monday to Thursday. We will stay in the picturesque town of Santa Elena and enjoy hikes to explore two national parks - one in Cloud Forest and the other in Tropical Forest.

After an early morning breakfast, we load up the jeep and drive east approximately one hour in time for the 09:00 Paquera ferry. Enjoy the 1-hour voyage to the ‘mainland’ and Puntarenas, before continuing a very scenic jeep transfer with amazing views across Pacific Ocean and surrounding mountains roughly north for 2 hours to Monteverde arriving in time for lunch. We will spend the next four days in the town of Santa Elena, staying at a hostel (breakfast and lunch provided with lots of local options for dinner). Each morning we will get up early to enjoy a 2-3 hour hike exploring this unique biosphere including guided tours of two national parks, Cloud Forest and Tropical Forest. After we explore the village of Santa Elena and surrounding area to get our bearings and discuss the plan for next couple days - for those who have a head for heights and want to ‘hug a tree’ there is a huge ‘Stangler’ fig tree that we can climb inside. Back to hostel for chill time before dinner.

After breakfast we enjoy a guided hike to the Monte Verde Reserve to explore Cloud Forest and find out about its inhabitants and flora. This is one of the few places on earth where you can see the rare Quetzal bird and get spectacular views of both the Caribbean and the Pacific Oceans. There are three kinds of monkey, medicinal plants and a plethora of insects and bird life. Back to the hostel for lunch and then your afternoon is free to chill or enjoy one of many activities including rope bridge, bungee jump and zip lining (from USD 50 per person), or visit to a coffee, cocoa and sugar cane plantation (from USD 30 per person), horse riding (from USD 50 per person), ATV tour (USD 60 per person) and canyoning (USD 70 per person).

After breakfast we enjoy a guided hike to the Curicancha Reserve. This is primary rain forest hosting an array of animals plants and insects. Our guide will be able to identify and explain medicinal plants and wildlife, many unique to this environment. Back to the hostel for lunch - afternoon and evening free!

Free morning to enjoy the activity of your choice before we head back to Puntarenas and the 14:00 ferry and return Santa Teresa early evening.

Free Day - breakfast and lunch included

Brunch - You can choose to Volunteer with the Jakera Community

Weeks 5 and 6 - Learn Spanish & Surf, Yoga or Volunteer in Santa Teresa

Monday - Friday
As per Week 1
With the exception of Wednesday when the surf or yoga lesson session from 14:00-16:00 is replaced by a hike exploring the local area.

Brunch. On Saturday afternoons between 12:00 and 16:00 you can either sign up for extra surf/yoga lessons or join a Weekend Tour.

Week 7 - Animal Conservation

Monday - Friday
This week you will spend at Natuwa. You’ll be helping in the sanctuary to take care of animals and their homes.

All meals are included.

Brunch. Free time to explore the area.

Week 8 - Adventure trip to Manuel Antonio

After 7 weeks filled with adventure, you have one last highlight waiting for you: Manuel Antonio.

The journey to Manuel Antonio is a scenic multi-logistical transfer, over land and sea - a chance to see another view of Costa Rica and enjoy her beautiful coastline from the water. We often have dolphins escorting us along the way and there’s a good chance to see whales, turtles, or mantarays. From door to door, it's about 4 hours. In Manuel Antonio, you will have time to enjoy the activates on offer or just relax on the beautiful beaches that surround your hostel. We have included for you a trip to the must see “Manuel Antonio National Park”, and a bunch of other activities.

- Breakfast
- Scenic multi logistical transfer to Manuel Antonio. Stay in Teva Hostel or Selinas.

- Breakfast
- Manuel Antonio National Park (entry included)

- Breakfast
- Yoga Class in the morning, afternoon free to enjoy one of the amazing beaches in the area

- Breakfast
- Free day to relax, or to enjoy one of the extra activities they have on offer.

- Breakfast
- Transport to San Jose and overnight in Rose de America (included).

- Breakfast
- End of program, and departure to airport (transfer to airport not included).

Spanish Lessons

Weeks 1, 2, 5 and 6 in your program include 2 x 45 minute Spanish lessons from Monday to Friday (usually between 09:00-11:00 with breaks but subject to change depending on surf conditions). Tuition is delivered by accredited and licensed teachers and on the first day you will receive a short test to establish your level and objectives. These lessons will be tailored to suit all levels from beginner to intermediate and are designed to help you interact and immerse with the local community and enjoy being in a Spanish speaking country.

Surf or Yoga Lessons

During weeks 1,2 and 5 and 6 you enjoy a surfing OR yoga lesson.

Surf lessons (approx. 2 hours) are delivered by a local professional surf instructor. As well as showing you the basics - or taking you to the next level - you learn basic safety principles taking into account local issues such as rip tides. Boards are provided for surf lessons (guided/supervised surfing). Additional lessons are available on request as well as board rental.

Alternatively, you can enjoy professional yoga instruction. For a long time now, this magical place has been a destination for yogis from all around the world. What better place to learn or practice yoga than on a wild beach with the sound of waves crashing on the soft white sand, or in our jungle lodge surrounded by lush foliage to the sounds of the river and birds? Many people come here every year to practice and teach yoga so there is a class to for every level from absolute beginner to advanced yogi. You will receive 8 vouchers for yoga lessons. You are free to use them when you wish during Week 1.

Popular classes include Yoga for all, Vinyasa Flow, Slow Flow, Ashtanga, Hatha, Deep Restorative, Relaxing & Mediation. You are invited to try a variety of forms of yoga during your time with us. Each class is 90 minutes (max of 8 classes per week) - a combination of group and private classes depending your needs. Yoga provides mental balance, body control and it will help you to relax and enjoy every part of your journey in Costa Rica. Enjoy the mantras and discover a new way to relax and be in tune with your body (and nature) by doing yoga and living the pura vida lifestyle.


We would like you to enjoy Nicoya Peninsula - an area of outstanding natural beauty - so on selected Wednesdays we will explore our surroundings on foot. The first is a 2-hour ‘jungle river trek’ along a river that runs by Jakera Jungle Surf Camp and into the lush tropical forest that surrounds us. You will quickly find yourself ‘lost’ and wondering which direction the seemingly nearby beach is. This hike helps us to understand how the whole ecosystem works. There is a vast range of flora, including trees with specific medicinal applications. We begin to understand the beauty of this truly diverse location.

On the second Wednesday, we hike along the beach (approx. 1 hour) to the rock pools that the low tide exposes to discover the multitude of sea life that lives there and to enjoy a relaxing dip in the warm pools. The hikes will be in the camp’s surroundings and can vary upon time, weather and tide.


During weeks 1, 2, 5 and 6 (2-3 hours per day), you participate in volunteer projects designed to conserve and respect local natural resources. Project work is varied and priorities are seasonal and weather dependent.

However, most of our efforts are focused on the following areas:
Recycling & Bionics
We are leading the charge in our local community to create as many recycle stations and collection points for plastic waste in particular so that Bionics can easily collect it all once a week from main road. We have built two recycle stations on our street and this has reduced the normal garbage by 30 % or more. As a result on our street alone we collect a huge amount of plastic for Bionics each month. We clean the beaches of plastic once a week at least and participate in community clean ups on a monthly bases and this month collected close to a ton of recyclable rubbish in one day with the help of about 100 volunteers. We go once a week to the Bionics Depo 30 mins away in Cobano to help them clean, organise and package the plastic for shipment to the USA where they turn it into shoes, T-shirts, building blocks and a whole variety of consumer goods , hence giving real value to this recycled material. This is the future and this is what may just save the planet or make a difference at least. Once this "rubbish" has value people will start to take notice and collect it and turn it into something useful. This way we show our students the full cycle of events, how plastic gets into the eco system, how hard it is to take it out once it's in there, and finally the light at the end of the tunnel, what we can do with it once we collect it.

Beach Conservation
Here we work alongside the ‘Santa Teresa Lifeguards’. Having seen the amazing beaches of Santa Teresa, and adjoining Playa Hermosa and Playa Carmen, the recreational opportunities are clear. However, beaches need to be maintained to keep them clear of debris that not only looks unsightly but can cause harm to people and wildlife. Work includes promoting Lifeguard issues with regard to beach safety and etiquette (through signage, presentations and speaking to visitors), organizing clean ups with focus on recycling. We also invented a “Public Microplastic Collection” where we encourage beach walkers to collect some microplastic whilst they walk the beautiful beaches of Santa Teresa.

Our main focus is the forests' most important resource - water! You help with the maintenance and supply of our tree nursery; planting carefully selected saplings, gathered seeds and ongoing support of recently planted trees to ensure their success. We support the local Waterkeepers who patrol the river systems of Santa Teresa and neighboring tropical forest resources by helping to report any contamination, clear forest debris and litter from streams before it is washed out to sea and can cause further damage to wildlife, and by maintaining walking/hiking trails that allow visitors to access this beautiful area. It is also a great opportunity to learn about the biodiversity of flora and fauna in this special part of the world.

Turtle Conservation Volunteering

You will spend 4 to 7 days at the Turtle Sanctuarys that we support, Cirenas Playa Ario or ASVO Montezuma and depending on the season, also be working on our Sanctuary close by.

You’ll be protecting the eggs and hatchlings of Olive Ridley, Black Turtle, Hawksbill and Leatherback species, who visit local ‘semi intensive’ nesting beaches at night to nest. The principle objective of the project is to protect adult female turtles that frequent beaches along this coastline, and their nests, from human predators and wildlife, natural events such as beach erosion and flooding due to high amounts of rainfall in nesting season.

This is achieved by maintenance of infrastructure and surroundings, beach cleaning, night patrols to look for nesting female turtles (in season), transport of food and water, collection of data and releasing baby turtles into the ocean (in season) and the
construction of a ‘hatchery’.

At Cirenas, all three meals are included.

*As an alternative to turtle conservation (off season), we also support animal conservation at Natuwa and help in other works.

Seasonal Support
It is important to note that although turtles nest frequently in peak nesting season (July to November), there will be times where turtle activity is very low. We still need help during most of the year for the construction and maintenance of the hatchery, critical for the upcoming season.

Free Time

During the weekends, there are a lot of opportunities to explore the area and try out different activities. If you're into yoga, try a beach session on Sunday mornings: get up a little earlier than usual to enjoy a pre-breakfast yoga session on the beach. Yoga is very popular in this part of the world and 45 mins costs around $15. You can also try white water rafting, horse riding, surfing, kayaking, snorkeling, whale watching, a jungle canopy tour etc. There is always something to do and if it all sounds to active, you can just enjoy the beach or pool.

Please note: Travel on the weekends, or any of the extra activities is at your own expense and risk. We cannot be responsible but, if anything happens, we will of course be there to assist. Please ensure that you have adequate medical insurance before you carry out any activity.

What Makes a Good Volunteer?

Volunteers need to be flexible and keep an open mind concerning their placements as situations can arise beyond our control which could require you to be placed at a different project than the one you have initially chosen. We will of course always do our utmost to fulfill your initial wishes but do remember that where you are going is quite different from where you are coming and as such one should be prepared for things not always going according to plan.

Volunteering and intercultural travel share a common trait: the more you put into it, the more you get out of it. This program is designed for proactive individuals and groups that are prepared to adapt to the local environment and its current needs. Naturally, the scheduling and activities of our program are subject to change. Alterations in activities are mainly due to changes in local conditions, which we believe is part of what makes overseas programs the interesting adventure and incredible learning experience that they are.

Hvað er innifalið?

Aukakostnaður á áfangastaðnum


55 nights accommodation in shared dorm included.

Weeks 1, 2, 5 & 6 - Jakera Jungle Surf Camp
Accommodation is shared dorms with separate toilet and shower facilities (hot and cold water!). Breakfast and lunch are provided but the daily routine will be structured to accommodate quality of the surf (generally better in the mornings) as we try to create opportunities for the beach in between our priorities of Spanish lessons and volunteering. There is a laundry service in the local town for getting your clothes washed at a very reasonable price. Wifi is available for free.

Week 3 - Cirenas
During week 3, you will be based at Cirenas. Sleeping arrangements are separated into groups by gender. Accommodation is in a nice wooden house with 6 rooms, each with a couple of bunks up to 4 per room, a maximum of 16 guests. Open air showers and toilets, all rustic but clean and nice. Sheets, pillows, and mosquito nets are provided and all the rooms have fans. All 3 meals are served up at the main lodge and are good healthy Costa Rican dishes. There is no WiFi at Cirenas.

Week 7 - Animal Conservation
During week 7, you will be based in Natuwa. Everyone is expected to share communal duties, including cleaning the living areas and bathrooms, and washing pots after meals. You will need to bring a light weight sleeping bag, travel pillow, mosquito net and your own towel.

Animal Sanctuary Natuwa
You will be staying in a modified shipping container with three rooms. Each container room includes two bunk beds, a fan, and storage space for personal items for four people maximum. It is advised for volunteers to bring their mosquito nets. Volunteers must keep their areas free of plastic litter and respect the property of others. The bathrooms and showers are situated in a separate building adjacent to the rooms. Please note that no hot water is available for showers. There is an area to do the laundry by using a machine and for drying, you will use a clothesline. WiFi is currently available in volunteer housing.

Week 8 - Manuel Antonio
Accommodation is shared dorm rooms at Teva Hostel or Selinas. Genders can be mixed.

At the end of the program, there is a transfer back to San Jose and one night at Hotel la Rosa de América included. Transport from the hotel to the airport is not included.

Arrival Package
The arrival package includes airport transfer to the hostel in San Jose, one night in San Jose in dorm accommodation, and transfer the following day from San Jose to Playa Santa Teresa.

Staðbundnar samgöngur

You can either get to the project on your own, or make your arrival smoother by booking an airport transfer or an Arrival Package.

Airport Transfer
You can book your project including an airport transfer. There is an airport transfer at 08:00 from San Jose.

Arrival Package
You can book an Arrival Package including pick-up from the airport, 1 night in San Jose and transfer to Santa Teresa on the following day. The next day the same transfer times to Santa Teresa apply:
There is an airport transfer at 08:00 from San Jose.

Departure Transfer
Shuttle buses can be booked locally for a transfer back from Santa Teresa to San Jose airport. The journey takes approximately 5½-6 hours. Alternatively, a domestic flight can be booked from Cobano to San Jose, the domestic flight is a 10-minute walk from the international airport.


Weeks 1, 2, 5 & 6 - Jakera Jungle Surf Camp
Breakfast, lunch, and brunch on weekends are included. Safe drinking water, tea, coffee, natural soft drinks will be provided. Beers and sodas are not included. All food in our camp is organic, sourced from local farmers and fishermen with garnishes and a few extras from our own garden. Our menu is predominantly vegetarian, though we do also serve locally sourced meat and fish. Although menus will be local, they’ll be tempered to Western tastes and vegetarians are easily accommodated. Salads, simple soups, tortillas, sweet plantains and local food made of tubers (similar to potatoes) are also popular.

There is a kitchen at the camp where you can make your own food. You will need to help with cleaning dishes and keep your room and public areas tidy.

There are also social nights arranged at camp - pizza night, burger night, Mexican night etc where dinner costs between USD 7-10 (not included).

Week 3 - Cirenas
During the days at Cirenas Turtle Conservation, all three meals are included.

Week 4 - Monteverde
While in Monteverde, breakfast and lunch are included. Dinner is available in town at own expense.

Week 7 - Animal Conservation
All three meals are included while at the sanctuary.

Week 8 - Manuel Antonio
Daily breakfast is included. Lunch is included on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Frekari upplýsingar

- Shorts
- T-shirts
- Lightweight long trousers and long sleeved shirts. As in all subtropical areas, insects can be a nuisance, especially in the evening. Long sleeved shirts and trousers are recommended to offer the best form of protection in the evenings.
- Fleece
- Bandana or buff. December to May specially you might have dusty roads and want to bring a bandana or buff to protect your face.
- Rain jacket. From May to November it might rain a bit or a lot, so bring a waterproof rain jacket or poncho.
- Swimwear
- Long sleeve rash guard (for surfing)
- Clothing you don't mind get dirty (while volunteering)
- Some clothing to go out for dinner
- Shoes. Good walking Shoes or Sneakers for everyday / Sandals or good flip flops with strong sole / Waterproof hiking boots (Rainy Season)

- Personal towel (quick dry sports towel)
- Dry bag is necessary for everyday use
- Cap or hat
- Gloves for Volunteering

Bring a pair of simple garden gloves or working gloves with you. You will need dark colored clothing to work at night, preferably long sleeved, a headtorch with a red LED if possible, closed-toe shoes for patrols that will be comfortable and a waterproof jacket. Please pack a red light/lamp, you will need this if you join a night time turtle patrol.

Take a big backpack for all your luggage rather then a suitcase. A smaller backpack or drybag for your expeditions to Cirenas and Monteverde is also necessary (about 4 days clothing).

Medical Kit
It is always useful to carry a small personal medical kit. This should include items such as: plasters, wound dressings and bandages, personal medication to last the duration of the expedition, antihistamine cream/ tablets, fungicidal foot power/cream, antiseptic cream/solution, Imodium tablets (x30) and rehydration (e.g. dioralyte) sachets, mild pain killers (e.g. Paracetamol), tweezers, scissors etc. Also, we recommend to bring ear drops that contain Antipyrine/benzocaine/analgesics.

Sun Cream, zinc or other waterproof sun protection
You will be spending a lot of time in the sun so please bring adequate sun protection. We recommend a higher block than usual.

Insect Repellent
Insect repellent and after bite is recommended. If you are allergic to repellents, seek advice before leaving your home country

Sun Glasses
A GOOD quality pair of sunglasses is essential. Make sure they offer 100% UV protection.

Bring along a headtorch as it is more useful than a normal torch.

If bringing a digital camera bring a number of memory cards.

Small travel padlock
Bring your own padlock to lock up your valuables

Photocopy of passport
Please bring a copy of your passport. Travel tip - email yourself a copy of your passport and other important documentation.

Bring pens, pencils, notepads and A4 notebooks for your Spanish lessons

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