{{ section.name }} Þjónustuver

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{{ section.name }} Þjónustuver
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Finnur þú ekki það sem þú ert að leita að?

Við höfum ferðast um allan heimin og erum því sérfræðingar þegar kemur að ferðalögum. Hafðu samband við okkur og við aðstoðum þig við að skipuleggja draumaferðina þína.

Pak Ou Cave Excursion

Day 1: Pak Ou Caves

Start your day with an early morning Alms Ceremony. Wake up at roughly 05:00 to make merits and offerings to the monks of Luang Prabang, and in return receive blessings and prayers. Afterwards, head back to your hotel for breakfast and wait for your guide to return and take you to the Pak Ou Caves.

Board a private boat for a cruise up the Mekong River, enjoying the tranquil countryside until you reach the mysterious caves. The caves are set into huge limestone cliffs with only one visible from the water. Climb the steps to the cave entrance and be greeted by thousands of Buddha statues in various shapes and poses. You may see variations including; meditation, teaching, walking, naga, or even reclining. Each of these poses has their own meaning.

Return downstream via Wat Done Khoun, a temple on an island in the Mekong. Take in the breathtaking scenery one last time before returning to your hotel in Luang Prabang.

Transportation: Luang Prabang to Pak Ou by Boat, Pak Ou to Luang Prabang by Boat

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Luang Prabang to Pak Ou by Boat

Pak Ou to Luang Prabang by Boat

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Úbbs - Síðan sem þú reyndir að opna er ekki til. Við vonum að þú finnir það sem þú ert að leita að hér.