{{ section.name }} Þjónustuver

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{{ section.name }} Þjónustuver
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Við fundum eftirfarandi {{ category.count + ' ' + (category.count == 1? category.label:category.pluralLabel) }} og {{ category.count + ' ' + (category.count == 1? category.label:category.pluralLabel) }} fyrir '{{ searchTerm }}'

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Finnur þú ekki það sem þú ert að leita að?

Við höfum ferðast um allan heimin og erum því sérfræðingar þegar kemur að ferðalögum. Hafðu samband við okkur og við aðstoðum þig við að skipuleggja draumaferðina þína.

Costa Rica: Volcanoes, Cloud Forests & Zip-Lines

Day 1 - San Jose

Arrive at any time, and choose to kick back at the hostel, or head out to explore the city before meeting up with fellow Roamies in the evening. Later, head out in the San Pedro neighborhood with your CEO and new mates in search of food and drink at one of the nearby happening spots. Buckle up, it's on!

Day 2 - San Jose/La Fortuna

Set off today bound for La Fortuna with plenty to do along the way. First stop, the active Poas Volcano for epic views and photo opportunities by the crater. Next, head to a community coffee project to sample a cup and to learn about coffee production. Hungry? Sit down for a delicious typical lunch of freshly-caught tilapia from the local fish farm with plantains and the ever-present rice and beans. Then get hands-on with a tortilla-making lesson, full points for the best one! Roll into La Fortuna in the afternoon with time to settle into the hostel and grab a drink at the bar, and in the evening maybe treat yourself to a long soak in one of the many local hot springs. Hey, you deserve it right?

Day 3 - La Fortuna

Ready for Adventure? There's so much to do in La Fortuna that we've given you an entire free day to choose for yourself, you'll thank us for it later. Maybe it's something active that's your jam like rappelling down a waterfall, whitewater rafting, or paddleboard on Lake Arenal. Otherwise, hanging out in the hostel with friends and a cold beverage is never a bad option either. A combination of these things you say? Sounds perfect!

Day 4 - La Fortuna/Monteverde

If variety of transport is something you're looking for then you're going to love today. We'll make our way from La Fortuna by bus then boat across Lake Arenal then by bus again to the cloud forest of Monteverde. Scenery galore, keep the camera handy! Once we get to Monteverde don't get too comfortable yet as we'll head into the forest to fly across the canopy on zip lines for an adrenaline rush. Phew!

Day 5 - Monteverde

Today is all about you, to do as much (or as little) as you want, it's all good! Maybe check out the hanging bridges in the canopy to look for birds and wildlife, go horseback riding, visit a butterfly garden or just kick back at the cozy hostel and relax with a local craft beer in hand.

Day 6 - Monteverde

Depart at any time, or keep the adventure going to the beaches of the Nicoya Peninsula on the next leg of this journey.

Hvað er innifalið?


Hostels (5nts).

Staðbundnar samgöngur

Private vehicle, boat.


Meals Included: 5 breakfasts, 1 lunch
Meals Budget: Allow USD160-210 for meals not included.

Frekari upplýsingar

La Fortuna
- Hot Springs Soak (42-84USD per person)
- La Fortuna Waterfall Swim (20USD per person)

- Lost Canyon Adventures Canyoning (99USD per person)
- Gravity Falls Waterfall Jumping (125USD per person)
- Whitewater Rafting (61-86USD per person)
- Stand Up Paddle (Lesson and Tour) (65USD per person)
- Hanging Bridges (75USD per person)

- Monteverde Butterfly Garden Visit (20USD per person)
- Santa Elena Cloud Forest Guided Tour (50USD per person)
- Hanging Bridges Monteverde (47USD per person)
- Monteverde Horseback Riding (45USD per person)
- El Trapiche Tour Monteverde (33USD per person)

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Úbbs - Síðan sem þú reyndir að opna er ekki til. Við vonum að þú finnir það sem þú ert að leita að hér.